Namaste, Om Shanti

Enter a realm of peace and tranquility, where the whispers of the Divine resonate within. Allow your soul to dance in the embrace of Spirit. Feel the warmth of love and serenity that surrounds you.

Let your heart be still, let your mind be at ease. In this sacred space, find solace and rejuvenation. May your journey be filled with light and grace, with Spirit in Ashram Kripa.

Rest here with us, and awaken to the beauty of the soul's journey. Breathe in the essence of peace, and let it guide you on your path.

Our online Ashram offers community service, holding space, love, peace, Spirit presence, and Guidance for self-discovery.

Our regular Meditation with Satsang times are dedicated to quiet meditation, providing you with a serene space to delve deep into your spiritual journey. Fridays, however, hold a special energy as they are reserved for lively Kirtan sessions that uplift your soul (Times/Date TBA!). On each meditation day, a unique contemplation will be presented for you to reflect upon and take into your meditative practice.

Ma: You see, happiness that depends on anything outside of you, be it wife, child, money, fame, friends - whatever it is - cannot last. But if you find happiness in God who is everywhere, all pervading, who is your own SELF- that is real happiness.
— Sri Anandamayi Ma

Ashram Kripa came into my life in late 2023 and early 2024. My beautiful Spirit Guide from India showed me the value of connecting with Spirit and supporting others. She impressed into my mind a vision of community meditation and Kirtan.

My spiritual Teacher, Mark Bedwood, offered great insight to me when I mentioned my interest in joining an Ashram in India during my final years. “Perhaps you will be a young woman, leading an Ashram, HERE.” Our discussions brought me to realize that this endeavor could be offered online, for many, and with deep devotion.

Kripa means “Divine Grace.” Our Ashram is a place where Satsang (Community in pursuit of Truth) can gather to sit with Spirit.

My personal purpose, here on Earth: To hold space for the energy, offer love and peace for all, allow the presence of Spirit, and offer divine guidance for Self-Discovery.

I hope you will find Ashram Kripa to be a home of peace for you and those that you love.

Many Blessings,

Milada (Kripa Ma)

What about…..

  • Ashram Kripa is an online space for contemplative connection with the Divine.

  • Our time together will be a quiet space in Zoom for silence and contemplation. The topic for contemplation will be introduced at the beginning of each meditation.

  • Derived from a Sanskrit root meaning to call, recite, praise, or glorify, Kirtan is the act of praising and glorifying the divine. This can be expressed in many ways, but for our purposes, we will use call and response mantra chant singing. We often sing to Rama, Krishna, Shiva, or Radhe. All names for the Divine, God, the infinite loving oneness!