About Mediumship with Milada

At this time, I am not offering readings, I am however, offering demonstrations of trance mediumship, and opportunity for time together to discuss your spiritual journey, either on an as needed basis, or longer term. Please contact me for further details!

A natural way of communicating with Spirit was with me from an early age, and similar to many of you, I was not sure as to why or to where it may lead.

Spirit Guides led me to Ainslie MacLeod (https://ainsliemacleod.com), a renowned Psychic and Author of many books about our Soul’s journey and past lives, including “The Instruction.” This was an important piece of my development, and for many years, I shared past life readings to help people.

In my earliest development of mediumship, Psychic Medium LoriAnn Mans (The Midwest Medium https://psychiclori.net/) took me under her wing and introduced me to a foundation I will always be grateful for.  She saw in me what I did not know how to recognize: “You are a Medium.”  Through LoriAnn, I then met Matthew Smith (AFC College, Stansted, England), and International Medium Mark Bedwood (https://markbedwood.com).  I began my journey with Trance Mediumship quite unexpectedly with Mark, three years ago. Around that same time, I was blessed to meet Julie Keadle and Debbie Charlton, as well as Spiritual Healer Mary Clare Wojcik (https://maryclarewojcik.com) - all amazing mentors and friends. It is a privilege to work with many talented teachers and mediums, in this beautiful community of Light. I am strongly influenced by Buddhist and Vedic traditions, and the wisdom and insight that Spirit gives directly to us, through our awareness.

For over 10 years now, I have had the privilege of working to enhance the varied gifts I share with Spirit for the good of humanity and of Spirit. I am currently sharing Trance Demonstrations, Trance and Reiki Healing, Spiritual Chats to help people deepen their path, Mentoring in Trance, and teaching Trance Mediumship courses.

If I were to leave you with one thing, it is the unconditional love that Spirit brings to us all and works unceasingly to share with us on our Soul’s journey; and to help us realize that the LIGHT resides with us all.

Thank you for sharing this essential part of our Spiritual Enfoldment that truly never ends.

Many blessings, in Love and Truth,


What are my personal beliefs about Spirit connection?

We All Have Loving Connection to Spirit

We ARE Spirit, and spirit is not outside of us

Respect for your Individual Story

Spirit offers us Healing and Unconditional Love

Divine Inspiration comes from Spirit


Thank you for my amazing trance reading with the Sage today. Being all the way over here in Australia didn't create an obstacle to the messages which came through. The Sage was able to answer all my questions and offered me much guidance on how to resolve issues in the most loving way. I really look forward to the future that spirit has in store for me. The energy of the Sage is so joyous... and beautifully paired with your own gentle kindness. Milada, you truly radiate love. Much gratitude.

— Ros from Oz

Sitting with Trance Mediums for over 25 years, including at the Arthur Findlay College with Eileen Davies and the SAGB in London with Ursula Roberts and recommended to me by Mark Bedwood, it is rare to meet such a gentle, loving soul as Milada. with a genuine gift allowing her Guides to be given back life through her Mediumship. A truly enlightening moment sitting with Milada and an experience all should share to bring us closer to Spirit and to allow us their wonderful advice. Truly amazing! 5 Stars!

— Mark McDonagh from the UK

From the moment I met Milada, I knew she had a very special gift. She’s humble yet so insightful and talented.

Milada is the reason I now have a better understanding of who I am, where I am, and where I’m going. Without her, I would still be a chicken with her head cut off.

I leave every session with her feeling more peaceful, compassionate, and joyful. It’s like therapy for my soul.

I can’t thank Milada enough for the wisdom and information she has given me. I highly highly recommend Mila to anyone looking for spiritual answers to their questions. You will not be disappointed and your soul will thank you immediately.

Milada, it’s a pleasure to know you and reap the benefits of your earth-shattering gift. You are unbelievably talented and kind-hearted.

— Erin from Missouri

I love how patient and compassionate Milada is as a psychic medium.

During my session she channeled my mother and father-in-law, and I could feel their warm presence and their advice just as if they were in the room with me. Next, she channeled a woman who I was in the 1700s, and I got to see scenes and lessons from that life that resonate with me now.

Milada ended my session with messages and instruction from her Causal Guides that left me feeling so uplifted and inspired. I am in awe of how she can move between current life and past life, and astral and causal energies. Readings with her are always amazing!

— Bella from Virginia

I have had multiple experiences working with Milada. She has a very relaxed and subtle approach to mystical things.

She has a soothing voice that helps you open up to allow the images of other worldly things to enter your conscientiousness. She doesn’t suggest things to you; but rather lets you bring forward your thoughts and visions. She has the ability to guide you through and bring a new and exciting awareness to you.

I find that her guidance validates all that I experience. I look forward to working with her for many years to come.

— J.T. from Missouri