Helpful Links for you:

I have been so privileged to participate in my friend Chris Lippincott’s beautiful podcast, Spirits Beside Us. Please check it out here, and check out his website below as well. Chris is an experienced Medium, Trance Medium, and Teacher!

My wonderful teacher, Mark Bedwood’s Website, and YouTube channel are a source for immense spiritual growth. Explore the content for wisdom and inspiration to connect with the Divine.

My dear friend, Jane Leeming is a skilled practitioner at Tula Healing, offering a variety of holistic services including Ayurveda and healing therapies. Clients can expect compassionate care and personalized treatment plans to support their well-being.

A most loving and kind friend, Debbie Charlton’s Healing and Trance Mediumship Facebook page. She offers so many things, and her kindness is paramount.

My friend LoriAnn, The Midwest Medium, an incredibly gifted Evidential Medium and teacher.

My amazing friend, Julie Keadle’s Trance Mediumship is a profound practice that connects us to the spirit realm, allowing for messages to flow through with clarity and love. Trance Mediumship, Creating an Online Circle Facebook site has enabled many to come together virtually, fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth in a digital age:

Julie Keadle’s YouTube:

Book Recommendations for you:

A link to my Good Reads profile:

Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi”

The Bhagavad Gita:

I Am Not the Body: Discovering the Truth Beyond Bondage by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Nic Higham

Books in reverence and of the teachings of Sri Anandamayi Ma, Jai Ma! (And there are many more!):

Death Must Die : Based on the Diaries of Atmananda: 2020 Fully revised fourth edition:

The Gospel Of Shri Anandamayi Ma Volume 1: Conversations With The Divine Mother (there are both volumes 1 and 2 available, I have linked only Vol.1)

As the Flower Sheds Its Fragrance: Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma, Diary Leaves of a Devotee, by Richard Lannoy:

A brief welcome!

Welcome to Ashram Kripa, and many blessings to you!

Om Shanti,


Join me for this lovely chant, Sri Sat Gurudev. Kirtan is a beautiful practice, never perfection, an expression to unite loving devotion, calling to the Shining Self within.

Sri Sat Gurudev

Bhagavan Ki Jay